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Writer's pictureAyan Barua

Why do we need to be right-at-first-time now more than ever?

Updated: Jun 29, 2020

Bangladesh started its journey as a Ready made Garments Manufacturer back at 1977 with a joint venture of Daewoo of South-korea and Desh Garments Ltd. Since then , this industry is continuously helping to build the economical backbone of this country, by exporting around 82% of the total value of export. By doing so, we have officially become the second largest RMG exporter in the world, just after China. In last fiscal year of 2016-17, we have successfully exported 28.14 Billion dollar worth of goods. Quite a remarkable achievement.

But still this is not going okay for us. We have achieved the lowest growth in our apparel sector in 2016-17 within last 15 years. According to provisional data of Export Promotion Bureau (EPB), Bangladesh’s export earnings from the RMG sector stood at $28.14 billion, posting 0.20% growth in the past fiscal year. The figure is 7.34% less than the target of $30.38 Billion.

So what we are actually not doing right? We are being right, but not on the first time. And this is costing us money, and eventually having an impact on our export's growth rate. If you are serving in the RMG industry of Bangladesh, the one scenario is quite common to you is "Firefighting". We love to firefight, in some aspect we feel sheer pride that we can get things done in extreme situation. But every time you have to "firefight" to solve a situation, the only root cause was something went wrong or we did not predict it right at first time, and also nobody notified us or we could not figure it out when we had enough time to correct that. And also every time we are firefighting we are loosing our efficiency, hampering our quality of work, shuffling our priorities to solve imminent problem so also jeopardizing the upcoming works. We are anyhow saving today, but leaving a much more messier tomorrow.

But the industry trends are changing. Big players like and are grabbing the market, and they have only started. has surpassed Wal-mart as their revenue jumped 20% to 23.2 Billion in last year. A lot of big retailers also did not see this coming, as they also have to re-innovate themselves to compete with these tech-giants. The possible industry change can be sum up with two different words, "Speed" and "Variety". In order to survive this volatile change, as ready made garments manufacturing industry, we must satisfy these two obvious factor.

This is where the real challenge comes and partially explains why we have failed to sustain our export growth rate. As the industry is demanding "Speed" & "Variety", which is cutting the lead time short in almost half. In simple explanation, now we have do manage a lot more activities within almost half of the time. This is where being Right-at-first-time is becoming much more crucial. We simply do not have the luxury to firefight everyday now.

So we have identified the core challenges, for which we are suffering. But what is the way out? What magic wand do we need to use to deliver this growing industry urgency? We need to think step by step. Apart from everything, i still believe that we are in lack of expertise human resource in our industry. Most of the industry is still running on 1977's philosophy and methodology. More technical expertise such as textile engineers, industrial engineers are joining the industry , but it is not enough considering our volume. Second to human resource, data management in this industry is a disaster. Still most of the companies are using Microsoft Excel to maintain their millions of transaction and do strategic and operational planning. As the paradigm shift already happened in the industry, we need to have good framework of data management and analysis. The reason is to deliver different variety with speed, we need to make constant analysis and decision, for which we need lots of data sorted in information, useful analytic information. To process all of these information from thousands of disconnected Mircosoft excel spreadsheet is a disaster and nightmare for the employee of the companies, and almost 90% of the time they cant generate the report that we need to evaluate the situation and take management decision. As a result, most of the time we are taking decision and doing strategic & operational planning based on historical experiences or assuming the average situation. But if we consider average, its like a stopped watch giving right time only two times a day. So, decisions taken based on experience or average assumption are often not accurate or realistic to the particular scenario. So the plan does not stick, and we have to change the initial best plan , and for that we have to firefight a lot. Firefighting again means we are not being right-at-first-time. So the circle goes on and on.

We need technology, but as a technology solution provider, i know more than anyone that we need human expertise in a much more greater scale. The world is changing, and it will change much more in next 5 years as it had in last 25 years, so we must be prepared. We must be prepare to analysis the business trends before it happens, so that we can be one step ahead of the changes. So that we can set better strategies to adapt the continuous changes. The technology adaption of this industry will come eventually, and the journey has already began. In Bangladesh alone, we have more clients as a tech-solution provider than any other country in the world. We just need the mindset changes of ours to embrace these changes and to build a stronger foundation for tomorrow's challenges. And we will shine, much more than we have ever shone.

Authors introduction:

Ayan Barua is currently working with Coats Digital as Business Development Manager for Bangladesh . He has worked in Four H Group, Fakir Fashion and Epyllion Group in IE and Supply Chain Department. He is an Industrial Engineer Graduate From Shahjalal University Of Science and Technology.

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2 comentários

Ayan Barua
Ayan Barua
14 de jan. de 2018

Hi taufiq, Thanks for your comment. Firstly, you are absolutely right. We need better automation to get that competitive advantages. As for the efficiency of human labor, it has a certain peak point. Thats why companies like zuki, brothers, kansai, yamato are always inovating new automated/semi automated machines. If we look upto our Value stream map of a single garments product, we would see only 12-15% activities will be considered as value adding. In which, textile is almost automated, so in Garments, only 6-7% of the activities are requiring human interaction. you see, the activity requiring direct human labor. so, where are the rest 85% activities are associated? Its all with the management. So, data automation and better software solution…


Taufiq Rahman
Taufiq Rahman
13 de jan. de 2018

Thank you, brother, for this really well-written and informative post. I have a few questions for you.

The advantage that you are talking about is the smarter impelementation of information flow. And there is no doubt that we will eventually adapt ourselves to this transition of switching to a better software solution. But, it is also true that the RMG industry is run by human labor and most of the operations are done by humans. No matter how efficient we try to be we will have to stop at a certain point because men are not machines. But you also mentioned that our lead times are needed to be cut to the half. Do you think that the next revolution…

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